Specific entry standards and procedures can then be clarified. 具体词条标准和规程可能然后被澄清。
Beijing says it denied the Kitty Hawk entry to Hong Kong because it had not followed correct procedures and did not have proper clearances. 北京说,当时拒绝“小鹰号”进入香港,是因为“小鹰号”没有遵循正确的程序,而且没有获得正常核准。
We need two copies of your group visa for entry procedures. 我们需要两份团体签证复印件以办理入境手续。
This measure will start on July1st to facilitate entry and exit procedures. 这项措施将于7月1日开始实施,以方便出入境手续的办理。
9.4.1 each government accepting or acceding to this Agreement shall ensure, not later than the date of entry into force of this Agreement for it, the conformity of its laws, regulations and administrative procedures with the provisions of this agreement. 9.4.1每一接受或加入本协定的政府应保证在不迟于本协定对其生效之日,其法律、法规和行政程序符合本协定的规定。
Fulfill the data entry and update of ERP system, strictly obey to the relative sales regulations concerning business procedures; 完成erp系统数据的输入和更新并严格执行公司有关销售业务流程的相关规定;
The biggest issue is the growing concern in France that the highly selective grandes é coles system discriminates against students from poorer backgrounds, because of its exclusive entry procedures and high fees. 最大的问题是,法国人越来越担忧,鉴于其特有的入学程序与高昂的费用,挑选极严格的大学校(grandesécoles)体制会歧视背景较差的学生。
To get in touch with foreign experts as well as management of their employment and entry and exit procedures. 来华外国专家的联络、聘请、出入境手续的办理及日常管理工作。
Proper entry procedures shall be met before anyone enters a confined space. 员工在满足有关的所有程序后才能进入封闭空间。
Passenger shall comply with government travel requirements, present exit, entry and other required documents and arrive at airport by time fixed by carrier or, if no time is fixed, early enough to complete de, parture procedures. 旅客应遵守政府对旅行的要求,出示出境、入境和其他必要的文件,并按照承运人规定的时间到达机场。如未有确定时间,则应提早至足以办完离境手续。
They'll also practice integrated entry procedures in Johnson's motion base simulator. 在约翰森的运动平台模拟器上,他们将会进行集合进入程序的模拟练习。
Assisting the joint venture in recruiting Chinese management personnel, technical personnel, workers and other personnel needed; assisting foreign workers and staff in applying for entry visas, work licenses and handling their travel procedures. 协助合资公司招聘中方管理人员,技术人员,工人和所需的其他人员;协助外籍工作人员办理所需的入境签证,工作许可证和旅行手续等。
Register& Entry: assist candidates in completing handover of work in the original unit, preparation of new staff entry documents and going through register and entry procedures; 报到入职:协助候选人办理原单位工作交接,准备入职资料,办理报到入职手续;
After WTO entry, insurance companies of China must reengineer management procedures in core fields and reengineer development strategy, organization structure and information communication and so on in order to obtain competitive advantage in open situation. 加入WTO后,为在开放的市场环境中获得竞争优势,中国保险公司必须进行企业再造。中国保险公司再造的核心领域是业务流程再造;
Data acquisition system is responsible for early warning systems for raw data input, the subject of using C#. Net Programming food and special equipment to monitor the entry point Acquisition Detect data input procedures. 数据采集系统负责预警系统原始数据的输入,本课题采用C.Net编程设计食品和特种设备监测点采集录入检测数据的输入程序。
From the specific laws and regulations, we knew that the main reason which they can not get the qualification is the complexity of entry procedures. 从具体的法规条例的规定可知,注册登记即准入程序的复杂严苛是国际非政府组织无法顺利取得社团法人资格的主要原因。
This section of respectively introduce the application for entry and exit conditions and procedures in practice. 本部分分别对实践中我国廉租住房进入的申领条件以及程序和退出廉租住房的情况以及程序进行了介绍。
Micro-system Regulations discuss the entry rules, business scope and quality of service of travel agency. Thereinto, the comparison of entry rules includes the establishing conditions of travel agencies ( include registered capital, the quality of bonds and the establishment of branch) and application procedures. 微观规制体系对旅行社的进入规制、经营范围、服务质量规制进行了探讨,其中进入规制的对比包括旅行社的设立条件(包括注册资本、质量保证金和设立分社)和申请程序的对比。